Meadows April Flower Walk

I went to the meadows today and saw some cool flowers. It is a great time of year to be down there.

Azure Bluet (Houstonia caerulea)

Snakes! A big one and small one.

Classic Violet, lots of variety (Viola sororia)

Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens) near the bluff


Power lines Osprey nest

Red Trillium (Trillium erectum)

Lots of Trillium are about to bloom!

Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) Yummy, new location for me.

Tons of Northern Spicebush (Lindera benzoin)

Spring Beauties (Claytonia virginica), lots of variety.

Classic Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) everywhere!

Wood Anemone (Anemonoides nemorosa)

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Anonymous


  2. Betsy

    Thanks!!! Great shots 👍🏻

  3. Anonymous

    Wood frog, why do some Trout Lilys have brown anthers and some have yellow anthers?

  4. David Morse

    Looking at your floodplain map – great work — your map shows an active Wheelmeadow Creek flowing into the Ct River – this is a dead stream and does not flow under West Rd ( a old ditch ) or into the river . Maybe when there is a big rain storm . It certainly flies through BayPath and under Ely Rd but then not clear as it makes its way into the Pondside Marshes?? ( I am a trail maintainer and bushwhackedr) the town is doing some marking in the land between the fields and Longmeadow Brook .- towards the river where the old 4 wheeler roads were) . Not sure what they are planning or surveying. Some new trails are showing up that are still primitive.

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